Live Update - 20 December 2024
To meet Action 5.1 of the Defence Industry Development Strategy, to modify the Complex and Strategic Materiel templates into a standardised suite of common core requirements, Commercial Division has updated the Conditions of Contract for the complex and strategic materiel acquisition templates by standardising common core provisions.
These updates do not affect or alter the technical or commercial risk profiles of the templates.
Conditions of Contract - track version (DOCX, 319.47 KB)
Version 5.3 effective 23 August 2024
Strategic Materiel template is for acquiring high risk, software intensive systems with complex integration relating to major platforms or highly developmental systems.
Further guidance on when to use this template has been included in the Contract template selection and tailoring guide.
Strategic Materiel template version 5.3 incorporates the following changes:
- new provisions to align with 1 July 2024 updates to the Commonwealth Procurement Rules, including the introduction of the Commonwealth Supplier Code of Conduct
- new Australian Standard for Defence Contracting (ASDEFCON) Clausebank optional clauses for procurements subject to the Australian Skills Guarantee Procurement Connected Policy and the Environmentally Sustainable Procurement Policy
- a reduced threshold for mandatory consideration by officials of the economic benefit of a procurement for the Australian economy
- implementation of the revised Defence Cost Principles
- updated provisions for a System Security Program encompassing physical security, emanation security, information and communications technology (ICT) security authorisations and cyber security
- some minor updates, including for Defence web-links (following migration of Defence web pages), and changes in Defence policies and commercial standards.
A table of changes from version 5.2 to version 5.3 is available.
Table of changes - version 5.2 to version 5.3 (PDF, 316.52 KB)
Download files
Current version as of 20 December 2024.
Preliminary pages (PDF, 1.41 MB)
Part 1 - conditions of tender (PDF, 318.19 KB)
Part 1 - annexes to the conditions of tender (PDF, 654.2 KB)
Part 2 - draft conditions of contract (PDF, 1.11 MB)
Part 2 - attachments to the draft conditions of contract (PDF, 1.88 MB)
Part 2 - pricing workbook (ZIP, 311.89 KB)
Part 3 - draft statement of work (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Part 3 - annexes to the draft statement of work (PDF, 689.18 KB)
Part 3 - data item descriptions (PDF, 3.94 MB)
Part 3 - supplementary data item descriptions (PDF, 267.91 KB)
Part 3 - mandated system review checklist (PDF, 1.16 MB)
Alternatively, a zipped copy of Strategic Materiel template in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel (for the pricing workbook) format is also available for downloading. When extracting from WinZip, please ensure 'all files' and 'use folder names' is selected.
Strategic Materiel template documents (ZIP, 9.8 MB)
The Toolbar and style set should be used to edit the template in Microsoft Word.
Defence accepts no responsibility, or liability, for the use of this document. For specific procurements, Defence reserves the right to make changes to the document (or select particular clause 'options') and is not bound to use the document for any particular procurement.
The following guidance has also been produced to assist procurement staff in using the Strategic Materiel template:
- Australian Industry Capability (AIC) guide
- Australian Contract Expenditure (ACE) guide
- Acquisition pricing workbook guide
- Australian Contract Expenditure (ACE) Measurement Rules
- Strategic Materiel statement of work tailoring guide
- Technical data & intellectual property commercial handbook
- Approved Contractor Insurance Program
- Work, health and safety and the System Safety Program guide.
- Defence Estate Quality Management System
Additional guidance is available on the Industry governance page. Requests for superseded guidance documents can be sent to the contacts included on this page.