Project management and contract administration services sourcing

Project management and contract administration services (PMCA) provides for:

  • Standard sourcing - the provision of a project specific detailed consultancy activity proposal (DCAP).
  • Streamline sourcing - does not require the submission of a project specific DCAP as part of the request for proposal response as a master DCAP has been established.

PMCA services are contracted under specific Terms of Engagement.

DIP Section 4B Terms of Engagement (PMCA) (DOC, 975 KB)

Indigenous procurement Policy

For projects valued between $80k and $200k, or are in remote areas, Project Officers must conduct pre-tender due diligence to ensure alignment with the Defence Indigenous Procurement Strategy before using the panel.

Search the Supply Nation's Directory for suitable Indigenous enterprises before approaching DIP consultants. If an enterprise states that it is an Indigenous enterprise, but is not listed with Supply Nation, assurance that it is 50% or more Indigenous owned must be sought.

The Request for Proposal templates have been prepared for use with engagements valued under $7.5 million (GST Inclusive). Procurements at or above this threshold will attract additional requirements due to high contract value provisions of the Indigenous procurement policy. For every engagement that is estimated to be valued at or above $7.5 million (GST Inclusive), use the relevant template.

Request for proposal amendments – Indigenous Procurement Policy – high value contract template (DOCX, 63.25 KB)

Delegate approval

The Project Officer must obtain approval to proceed from an authorised delegate, as required by the relevant Commonwealth agency, before sourcing panel services.

The Project Officer must consider the procurement value, market capacity, Commonwealth procurement rules, procurement policies, evaluation criteria and exercise of delegations requirements.

A Procurement and Evaluation Plan may be used to describe and justify the proposed procurement approach.

Procurement and Evaluation Plan (non-CFI) template (DOC, 100 KB)

Expression of interest letters

The Project Officer may develop expression of interest letters and issue to panel consultants to determine if they have the capacity to respond to a request for proposal (RFP). This may reduce the amount of documentation required as an RFP need only be developed for interested panel consultants.

This letter is particularly suited for more complex or risky projects where Defence wishes to determine which panel consultants will have the capacity to undertake large scale or long term work.

The panel consultant's response is not evaluated nor does it constitute a binding agreement.

Expression of interest letter template (PMCA) (DOC, 45 KB)

Prepare request for proposal

The Project Officer must develop the RFP using the provided template. Review the definitions above to determine which template to use.

The template annexures should be completed to the greatest possible extent before release. Some annexures are provided to be completed by the panel consultant in their RFP submission.

Project Management and Contract Administration Sourcing (Standard) (No Master DCAP) Request for Proposal (DOCX, 106.06 KB)

Project Management and Contract Administration Sourcing (Streamlined) (Master DCAP) Request for Proposal (DOCX, 107.88 KB)

Project Management and Contract Administration Sourcing (Streamlined) (Resources, Program and VFM Only) (Master DCAP) Request for Proposal (DOCX, 105.06 KB)

Please Note – The Project Management and Contract Administration Sourcing (Streamlined) (Resources, Program and VFM Only) (Master DCAP) Request for Proposal template is for use by the Department of Defence - Capital Facilities and Infrastructure Branch only.

Issue request for proposal

The Project Officer issues the RFP to the panel consultant, via the emails provided on the Who to engage and Scope of services page and following this guidance.

Email guidance for tendering (PDF, 177.06 KB)

Issue addendums or information documents

The Contact Officer may receive questions from tenderers that need to be answered by issuing an addendum or information document. Answers must be shared with all tenders. The tenderer must be given the opportunity to withdraw their question if they do not want the answer to be shared with all tenderers.

Addendum example (DOC, 330.05 KB)

Information document example (DOC, 83.5 KB)

Receiving proposal response

The invited panel consultants will provide a response for evaluation or provide notification declining the opportunity to submit a proposal. Receipt should be confirmed via return email following this guidance:

Email guidance for tendering (PDF, 177.06 KB)

Tender evaluation

The evaluation board evaluates all received proposals in accordance with the approved Evaluation Plan and must use these templates.

Tender evaluation and probity protocol (PDF, 770.4 KB)

Conflict of interest declaration template (DOCX, 41.17 KB)

Confidentiality deed template (DOC, 67.5 KB)

Tender evaluation board report

When the proposal evaluation is complete, the evaluation board develops the tender evaluation board report (TEBR) using these templates.

Registrant evaluation board report template (DOCX, 100.23 KB)

Tender evaluation board report template (DOCX, 88.43 KB)

Probity report template (DOCX, 44.49 KB)

Obtain master detailed consultancy activity proposal

For Streamlined sourcing only, after the Tender Evaluation Board Report has been approved the evaluation, the Project Officer must request the relevant Master DCAP via


Following approval of the evaluation through an approved TEBR, these templates should be used as required for negotiations.

The panel consultant may be informed (without the Commonwealth accepting, or being taken to have accepted, the proposal) that the Commonwealth will negotiate certain or all aspects of their proposal.

Negotiation plan template (DOCX, 79.77 KB)

Negotiation outcome report template (DOCX, 70.23 KB)

Section 23 approval

The Project Officer will produce Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (PGPA) section 23 approval in accordance with approved TEBR and contract negotiation outcomes.

PGPA section 23 commitment approval template (DOC, 101 KB)

Issue official order

The Project Officer will prepare either an official order or a letter of non-acceptance.

The Official Order, which is part of the RFP, is formal notification from the Commonwealth to the panel consultant giving notice of acceptance of the proposal. This will form a contract between the Commonwealth and the panel consultant.

The Project Officer must issue a letter of non-acceptance to all unsuccessful panellists, which provides an opportunity to debrief on the proposal.

Letter of non-acceptance template (DOC, 41 KB)

Debrief guidance / checklist (DOCX, 65.39 KB)