Helicopter Aircrew Training System

The Helicopter Aircrew Training System (HATS) provides a rotary wing training capability for Navy and Army aircrew to meet the future rotary training needs of the Australian Defence Force. 

The training system consists of:

  • 15 Airbus EC-135T2+ helicopters
  • 3 full flight simulators
  • 2 tactical part task trainers
  • 2 virtual reality trainers
  • Aircraft replica trainer
  • courseware and learning environment.

HATS delivers a modern helicopter training system for Defence which has the ability to train up to 144 helicopter pilots, aircrew, aviation warfare officers and remote pilot warfare officers each year.

The training system is staffed by Navy and Army aircrew instructors and contractor aircrew instructors, support and aircraft maintenance staff. In addition to pilot courses, it also delivers:

  • engineering
  • maintenance
  • supply chain
  • operations
  • program support services.

The Airbus EC-135 T2+ is a training helicopter that offers a glass cockpit with high visibility, a multi-axis auto-pilot, plus other advanced technologies to help instructors perform training missions. 

The training system operates at HMAS Albatross in Nowra, NSW, and is supported by Boeing Defence Australia. 

Content is current as at February 2024.