Who to engage and Scope of services

The Defence Infrastructure Panel (DIP) Panel Agreement, Terms of Engagement and the different engagement processes, can be referenced on the How to engage page.

Scope of services

The panel offers 8 infrastructure service categories, each with a defined scope of services. The scope of services represents the minimum and general requirements for the relevant services, and are intended to provide a basis for tailoring to the requirements of individual engagements.

Aeronautical ground lighting scope of services (DOCX, 230.71 KB)

Aircraft pavements scope of services (DOCX, 207.52 KB)

Capital facilities and infrastructure specialist (Program) scope of services.docx (DOCX, 61.78 KB)

Capital facilities and infrastructure specialist (Project) scope of services.docx (DOCX, 64.4 KB)

Estate strategic planning scope of services (DOC, 52 KB)

Infrastructure engineering assessments scope of services (DOCX, 33.63 KB)

Project management and contract administration scope of services (DOCX, 86.79 KB)

Property acquisition and disposal scope of services (DOC, 54.5 KB)

Urban, architectural and commercial interior design scope of services (DOC, 48.5 KB)

No construction or design activities (other than what is allowable in the aircraft pavements service category) is permitted under this panel.

Probity services are also not available via this panel and should be procured through the Department of Finance Management Advisory Services Panel.

Other Commonwealth agencies may amend the scope of services to apply to their relevant policies, standards, practices, or other requirements where Defence requirements are referred.

Nothing in the scope of services will affect the consultant's obligations or liabilities under the Panel Agreement and the Terms of Engagement.

Consultant companies

Contact details for companies able to provide services under the panel are provided. Companies cannot be engaged in a service category that they have not won panel membership for.

Aeronautical ground lighting companies and contacts (PDF, 74.93 KB)

Aircraft pavements companies and contacts (PDF, 75.98 KB)

Capital facilities and infrastructure specialist companies and contacts (PDF, 77.72 KB)

Estate strategic planning companies and contacts (PDF, 83.55 KB)

Infrastructure engineering assessments companies and contacts (PDF, 75.83 KB)

Project management and contract administration companies and contacts (PDF, 82.35 KB)

Property acquisition and disposal companies and contacts (PDF, 81.77 KB)

Urban, architectural and commercial interior design companies and contacts (PDF, 11.09 KB)