When preparing to post overseas Defence families participate in an assessment that evaluates their level of readiness and identifies support requirements.
Defence will organise pre-departure support and removals, as well as provide advice on overseas allowances, payments and reimbursements.
There are a range of consideration for ADF members and families undertaking an overseas posting, including:
- Medical care can differ between countries. Some allowances are available from Defence depending on circumstances.
- Those with a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan must speak with their case manager to confirm funding and services.
- Defence has identified benchmark schools, offering Australian equivalent schooling, at each overseas posting location. Financial assistance may be available to help with the cost of education.
- It may be necessary to learn a new language. Language tuition for resident family members may be reimbursed.
- Most families posted overseas live in privately leased housing, for which they are responsible for paying rent and utilities.
Contact the Defence Member and Family Helpline to access overseas posting services.