Personal information requests

Defence holds personal information about Australian Defence Force (ADF) members to assist in the support of members and their families, both during and after their service.

Personal information about ADF members can be accessed via the personal information request process and will be actioned within 30 days.

How to make a personal information request

Personal information can be requested from Defence via 2 methods.

1 - ServiceConnect

Submitting a personal information request in ServiceConnect is the fastest way to request and access personal information from Defence. ServiceConnect enables applicants to:

  • verify their identity using myGovID
  • track the progress of their request
  • receive their information electronically.

2 - Defence website form

Alternatively, for those unable to access ServiceConnect, a request for personal information can be submitted through the Defence website form. Applicants will confirm their identity by submitting certified identity documents and will receive information on an encrypted and password protected USB sent via Australia Post.

Why make a personal information request

There are some common reasons for requesting the personal information of an ADF member.

  • Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide where applicants are seeking information required by the Royal Commission.
  • Amendment or annotation to correct personal information that is incomplete, incorrect, out-of-date or misleading.
  • Compensation or legal claims where evidence of ADF service and health assessments are required.
  • Eulogy details for a funeral or memorial service that reference an ex-member's ADF service.
  • Historical research where details of an ADF service is being referenced for family or personal research activity.
  • Membership to veteran organisations where evidence of ADF service is required.

Types of personal information available

Certain types of personal information about ADF members are retained by Defence, and are available to request access to. Be aware that some information may be difficult or upsetting to read if it details traumatic or sensitive events or incidents.

  • Health records
  • Incident and inquiry records
  • Psychology records
  • Service records

Under the Privacy Act 1988 the information may be redacted to protect the privacy of third parties before release. For more details see the Redaction information page.

Who can make a personal information request

The personal information of an ADF member can be requested by:

  • Current member
  • Ex-member
  • Immediate family of a current or ex member, living or deceased
  • Advocate or representative of a living current or ex member
  • Advocate or representative of the immediate family of a deceased ex-member.

How to prepare a personal information request

Before initiating a request, gather this information:

  • Make a list of all personal information being requested.
  • As an applicant, prepare 2 certified proof of identity documents (one photo ID and one secondary ID).
  • If submitting a request on behalf of a current or ex member, prepare 2 certified proof of identity documents (one photo ID and one secondary ID) of the current or ex member.
  • If submitting a request on behalf of a current or ex member, prepare a document for them to sign with the wording "I [name] residing at [address] consent to allow my Defence information to be released to [name] via [address]. By signing this document I authorise Defence to disclose the information identified in the online application made via on [date]." followed by current or ex member's handwritten signature.
  • If submitting a request for a deceased member's information, prepare proof of relationship to the member and proof of the member's death.

Personal information request administrative process

The following steps are followed by Defence when processing a personal information request.

  1. Assess whether the request is most appropriate to be released administratively or as a freedom of information (FOI) request.
  2. Confirm the applicant’s identity.
  3. Check consent and proof of relationship.
  4. Provide applicant with acknowledgement of request and estimated timeframe for their request.
  5. Locate documents.
  6. Apply redactions in accordance with the Defence redaction guidelines.
  7. Compile documents.
  8. Send documents an accompanying letter or email which explains the reasons for any redactions and details escalation and review processes.

Personal information request outcomes

The personal information will be provided within 30 days, unless otherwise notified.

Requests submitted through ServiceConnect will receive an email containing a secure link to access and download records. Requests submitted through the Defence website form will receive records on an encrypted and password protected USB sent via Australia Post and subject to Australia Post delivery timeframes.

If the personal information supplied is inadequate, a FOI request may be submitted for a more formal review.


1800 333 362



Accessing personal information request in ServiceConnect (PDF, 570.6 KB) Accessing information factsheets (PDF, 874.03 KB) Administrative release guidelines (PDF, 619.11 KB) Defence Information Release Policy - Accessing Information (PDF, 222.96 KB) Defence Information Release Policy Summary Fact Sheet (PDF, 89.97 KB)