Longitudinal ADF Study Evaluating Resilience

Defence, in collaboration with Phoenix Australia, invested 1.7 million dollars to conduct the Longitudinal ADF Study Evaluating Resilience (LASER-Resilience). LASER-Resilience was a world-class longitudinal research project spanning 10 years. LASER-Resilience followed up thousands of ADF members over 5 different time points in their early career.

The study allowed for the investigation of psychological and behavioural attributes that contribute to psychological resilience by studying new (Australian Defence Force) ADF members as they adjusted and progressed in their military career.

The results of the study will inform resilience training programs, such as BattleSMART (Self-Management and Resilience Training), and assist in building a stronger and more resilient ADF.


LASER plain language summary (2019) (PDF, 1.01 MB)

LASER summary report (2019) (PDF, 841.67 KB)

LASER patterns and Predictors of Wellbeing report (2019) (PDF, 1.92 MB)




Start year


End year


Research partners

Phoenix Australia