The Defence Animal Ethics Committee (DAEC) is committed to the ethical care and use of animals for scientific purposes.
Australian Defence Force has established the DAEC to ensure compliance of regulatory guidelines by students and staff, and provides assistance to them in the consideration of ethical issues in research involving animals.
The DAEC provides:
- annual reports to the Institute as well as to state and federal governments.
- advice on scientific/technical assessment and evaluation of research protocols, and compliance with regulatory requirements.
The DAEC includes internal Australian Defence Force Malaria and Infectious Disease Institute (ADFMIDI) staff and external voluntary members of the general public.
The DAEC operates in accordance with the following standards:
- Australian code of practice for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes - 2013
- Queensland Animal Care and Protection Act 2001
- Queensland Animal Care and Protection Regulation 2012
- Queensland Biotechnology Code of Ethics
- Registration of persons using animals for scientific purposes and teaching - Queensland.
The Institute follows best practices in carrying out animal procedures as set out in standard operating procedures developed by the ADFMIDI Animal Facility.
The current DAEC membership covers all categories of representation, as advised in clauses 2.2.2 and 2.2.8 of the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes.
The committee meets 4 times per year to consider applications. The DAEC Executive Officer will inform Principal Investigators of the outcome of the meeting and provide feedback on any concerns raised during the meeting.
Defence Animal Ethics Committee Terms of Reference (PDF, 6.17 MB)