Solomon Islands Infrastructure Sub-Program

As part of our long-standing security cooperation with the Solomon Islands, underpinned by our bilateral security treaty, Defence is supporting an Australia-Solomon Islands joint project to construct a sovereign border and patrol boat outpost in Solomon Islands’ Western Province, a multi-agency office within the Temotu province and Enhanced Explosive Ordnance Disposal Facilities at Hells Point.  

Western Border Outpost 

The Western Border Outpost will be home to Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) and Customs Officials at Lofung South, Shortland Islands.

The new facility can support Solomon Islands Guardian-class Patrol Boats, and will bring together police, customs, and immigration officials in a single location to reinforce the security of Solomon Islands’ Western Border. It will deliver new facilities to coordinate operations, accommodation, and a wharf capable of supporting Solomon Islands’ Guardian-class Patrol Boats RSIPV Taro and Gizo. 

The Outpost will enhance Solomon Islands’ border security and maritime surveillance capability while promoting economic development and stability in the region.

The design will feature environmentally sustainable elements and will be appropriate to regional conditions, including designed for climate resilience


Eastern Border Outpost

Australia announced in Quarter1 2022 that it would deliver the Eastern Border Outpost.

This Project will involve the delivery of facilities and infrastructure that will enhance the SIG's security capacity along the Eastern border through:

  • Enabling multi-agency Law Enforcement Operations
  • Supporting HADR Operations
  • Facilitating the coordination of security operations
  • Enhancing the logistical infrastructure within the Eastern Province.

RSIPF Hells Point Explosive Ordinance Disposal Facility 

Hells Point, Honiara is the home and training grounds to the RSIPF Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) experts. 

Hells Point will see significant infrastructure upgrades that will enable safer and more effective training programs to take place in support of Explosive Ordinance Disposal capability growth.

Solomon Islands has one of the largest concentrations of unexploded remnants of war in the Pacific. Hells Point infrastructure upgrades are designed to assist in improved management and training for disposal of these remnants.

This project will complement Australian engagement, including an embedded ADF EOD advisor and EOD cooperation.