Operation Resolute covers approximately 10 per cent of the world's surface and includes the Australia's exclusive economic zone, which extends up to 200 nautical miles from the Australian mainland and offshore territories. Christmas, Cocos Keeling, Heard, McDonald, Macquarie, Norfolk and Lord Howe islands also fall within the Operation Resolute boundaries.

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) contributes forces under Operation Resolute to Maritime Border Command, a multi-agency taskforce within the Australian Border Force (ABF) which utilises assets to conduct civil maritime security operations. Maritime Border Command protects Australia's maritime domain from security threats, including:

  • illegal maritime arrivals
  • maritime terrorism
  • piracy, robbery and violence at sea
  • compromise to biosecurity
  • illegal activity in protected areas
  • illegal exploitation of natural resources
  • marine pollution
  • prohibited imports and exports.

ADF personnel may be on Operation Resolute, either at sea, in the air or on the land. They work alongside personnel from ABF and other agencies. This number fluctuates depending on how many assets are assigned to the mission at the time.

The following ADF elements may be allocated to Operation Resolute:

  • Royal Australian Air Force maritime patrol aircraft to provide aerial surveillance of Australia's north-west and northern approaches.
  • Royal Australian Navy's patrol boats operate daily throughout Australia's maritime areas.
  • Australian Army Regional Force Surveillance Unit patrols which conduct land based security operations.
  • A transit security element made up of Navy and Army personnel who embark in the patrol boats.
  • Large hull vessels as required basis.

In addition, ADF units, whilst not assigned to Operation Resolute, also contribute to the overall surveillance and security effort through their presence and regular transits of the area.






Number of personnel

Up to 600