A Sustainable and Cost-Competitive Industrial Base

The Government expects that the investments in Australian industry and technologies will generate benefits beyond the Australian defence industrial base, and flow through to the rest of the economy, delivering jobs and encouraging innovation for regional businesses and communities across Australia.

A productive Australian naval shipbuilding and sustainment industry that is able to deliver affordable and achievable naval capability will be an enduring strategic asset for this nation. Achieving the Government's vision for a sustainable national naval shipbuilding enterprise will require a motivated, innovative, cost-competitive and Australian industrial base.

The Government's vision to maximise Australian industry involvement in the naval shipbuilding enterprise will see Australian industry involved in domestic and global supply chains, and workforce development and skilling initiatives. Maximising Australian industry involvement in the continuous naval shipbuilding program will be driven through early and consistent engagement with Australian industry, and embedding industry into force design and all phases of Defence's capability life cycle for new naval capabilities.

As a sovereign industry capability priority, the Government looks forward to ongoing engagement with industry to facilitate the delivery of a continuous naval shipbuilding industry.