Foreign work authorisation request form

This form supports the request of a foreign work authorisation (FWA), and is approved by the Secretary of the Department of Defence under s 115C(3)(b) and s 115H (2) (b) of the Defence Act 1903.

Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence.

The request form must be completed in one attempt. Please ensure the following information is to hand before commencing:

  • Current or most recent Australian passport.
  • Previous Defence employee ID numbers.
  • If providing work, details of any previous work performed outside of Defence that is relevant to the request, including:
    • employer or organisation
    • title
    • date range worked
    • description of duties.
  • Details of the work or training role, including:
    • countries where it will be undertaken
    • description of duties
    • name, identification number and location of the organisation or government beneficiary
    • role description
    • start date and duration.

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Information message

Part IXAA of the Defence Act 1903 is only relevant for Australian citizens and Australian permanent residents. If you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident you do not need a Foreign Work Authorisation. Do not complete this form.

Preliminary details
Your response to this question is critical to your accurate and comprehensive disclosure. If you do not understand the options available review the Authorisation requirements page.
Review the job family legislative instrument and identify which time periods apply, for every former role you held.
Reference the country list legislative instrument for more information. Note, details of the country beneficiaries specific to this authorisation will be requested later in the form.

Personal details
Place of birth
Create an entry for each foreign citizenship held. For multiple use the (+) symbol to create a new row.

Information message

No items entered.
Include any registration numbers for existing or in-progress foreign work authorisations.

Contact details
Current residential address
Different postal address
Include country and area code.
Include country and area code.

Employment details
Select all that are relevant.
Create an entry for each current and previous Defence employee ID number. For multiple numbers use the (+) symbol to create a new row.
ID number entry
Select the highest level Australian security clearance you have ever held, for any organisation
Detail the specific date, if known.
Create an entry for each role/training performed outside of Defence, which is relevant to this request. This includes delivering training. For multiple roles use the (+) symbol to create a new row.

Information message

No entries added.

Employer details
Identify the full name of the foreign military organisation, government body, company or association, for whom work will be performed or training provided.
Identify unique business identifier type, e.g. Australian Company Number, and provide the ID number.
Employer address

Foreign work or training role details
Provide start date, or an estimated start date if not confirmed. 
Provide end date, noting the maximum duration for a Foreign Work Authorisation is 3 years after which a new request must be submitted.
Describe the role and duties that will be performed.
Upload role description or duty statement if available (.pdf, max 1MB).
Select all the goods, software and technology categories to which the training delivered best relates. Reference the Defence and Strategic Goods List 2021.

Foreign beneficiary details
Beneficiaries are organisations or bodies which benefit from the work or training being provided. In some instances the beneficiary may be the employer, though it could also be a government organisation or body.
Create an entry for each location for which authorisation is requested. For multiple locations use the (+) symbol to create a new row.
Work or training entry


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