Vera is Defence’s Microsoft 365 (M365) cloud-based tool.

Vera delivers collaboration and file sharing capability, supporting business as usual at Defence.


Vera is available both inside and outside the Defence protected environment (DPE).

Vera can be accessed through Defence protected laptops, Defence protected iOS devices and personal laptops/computers.


Vera is only available for Defence personnel with an active DPE account. Guest accounts are not available.

To register, search 'Vera' on the Defence intranet.

Login inside DPE

Once Vera registration is successful, use the Vera login button on this page. Login with a DPE email and password.

Reference the new starter help guide for more information.

New starter help guide (PDF, 1.78 MB)

Login outside DPE

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required when logging into Vera outside the DPE.

MFA must be setup inside the DPE using the Microsoft Authenticator mobile app on a mobile device. Once setup is complete, use the Vera login button on this page. Login with a DPE email and password, and MFA credentials.

Reference the security and authentication help guide for more information.

Security and authentication help guide (PDF, 1.4 MB)


For more help guides, news, community of practice details and more, search 'Vera' on the Defence intranet.

Training sessions are available for Vera account holders. Register using these links:


Vera provides access to select M365 applications. Each application functions differently depending on if it is being accessed inside or outside the DPE and the device being used.


ICT Service Centre
