The Australian Government has released its blueprint for a larger and more lethal surface combatant fleet for the Royal Australian Navy in response to the recommendations made by the Independent Analysis of Navy’s Surface Combatant Fleet.

Australia’s strategic circumstances require a larger and enhanced lethality surface combatant fleet, complemented by a conventionally-armed, nuclear-powered submarine fleet.

Navy’s future surface combatant fleet will be an integral component of Australia’s joint force for operations in the immediate region to ensure the safety and security of our sea lines of communication and maritime trade.


In response to the recommendations of the Defence Strategic Review, the Government initiated an independent analysis of Navy’s surface combatant fleet capability.


Enhanced Lethality Surface Combatant Fleet - An Independent Analysis of Navy's Surface Combatant Fleet (PDF, 3.61 MB) ELSCF - Sovereign Workforce factsheet (PDF, 1.15 MB) ELSCF - Australian Defence Industry factsheet (PDF, 1.11 MB) ELSCF - A larger & More Lethal Australian Navy - factsheet (PDF, 309.91 KB) ELSCF - Western Australia factsheet (PDF, 328.79 KB) ELSCF - South Australia factsheet (PDF, 299.84 KB)
