Afghanistan Inquiry Reform Plan
The Afghanistan Inquiry (the Inquiry) made a number of findings and 143 recommendations. Defence has accepted all findings and undertook to address all of the recommendations.
At this time, Defence has implemented the required action to close 139 of the 143 recommendations.
The Afghanistan Inquiry Reform Plan (the Reform Plan) sets out the Defence strategy for responding to the Inquiry and establishes the Afghanistan Inquiry Reform Program (the Reform Program) to coordinate and drive this work.
Afghanistan Inquiry Reform Plan (PDF, 6.51 MB)
Afghanistan Inquiry Reform Program
The Reform Program delivered on the following 2 objectives leveraging existing reform and implementing Inquiry-specific initiatives:
Afghanistan Inquiry Reform Program Work Packages
The Reform Program objectives were met through 4 Work Packages.
Objective 1 was met through Work Packages 1 to 3. Objective 2 was met through Work Package 4.
Afghanistan Inquiry Reform Program Work
Since the release of the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force Afghanistan Inquiry report in November 2020, Defence has undertaken a body of work under the Reform Program to address the Inspector-General’s findings and recommendations.
The Afghanistan Inquiry Reform Program Update provides a snapshot of the Reform Program and progress of Defence’s response to the Afghanistan Inquiry.
Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel
The Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel (AIIOP) provided the Deputy Prime Minister (Minister for Defence) with independent oversight and assurance of Defence’s response to the Afghanistan Inquiry.
The Panel included individuals recognised for their expertise and experience in complex legal matters, forensic review, organisational scrutiny and reform, and reported directly to the Deputy Prime Minister (Minister for Defence).
The Panel is comprised of:
- Dr Vivienne Thom, AM, a former Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
- Robert Cornall, AO, a former Secretary of the Attorney-General’s Department, and
- Professor Rufus Black, noted ethicist and Vice Chancellor of the University of Tasmania.
The Panel’s tenure concluded in November 2023.
Progress Reports
The panel were required to provide progress reports to the Minister for Defence on a quarterly basis. There were 12 Quarterly Reports produced, with the Final Report tabled in Parliament in May 2024.
Quarterly Reports 1-6 are classified PROTECTED - CABINET. Cabinet records are accessible to the public through the National Archives of Australia after the expiration of the statutory closed period (which varies between 20 to 30 years).
Quarterly reports 7-12 are classified OFFICIAL - SENSITIVE. Redacted versions of these reports are available on the Freedom of Information disclosure log:
- 429/23/24 - Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel Quarterly Report 7
- 398/22/23 - Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel Quarterly Report 8
- 549/22/23 - Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel Quarterly Report 9
- 784/22/23 - Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel Quarterly Report 10
- 388/23/24 - Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel Quarterly Report 11
- 500/23/24 - Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel Quarterly Report 12
Defence encourages anyone who may be affected by the Afghanistan Inquiry to seek help early so that assistance can be provided.
Support services are available to those affected by the Afghanistan Inquiry whether they are current or former serving Australian Defence Force personnel or their families.
Defence Media