2018 Review of the Woomera Prohibited Area Coexistence Framework

On 11 May 2018, the Australian Government announced the appointment of Dr Gordon de Brower PSM to lead the 2018 Review of the Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA) Coexistence Framework. The review builds on the existing coexistence framework established in 2014, to balance the interests of all users of the WPA.

On 29 March 2019 the Australian Government announced its support of the findings and recommendations of the 2018 review. These recommendations reflect the enduring critical importance of the WPA to Australia's national security, while also recognising the national interest in maintaining the considerable value the WPA holds for:

  • Aboriginal cultural heritage
  • mineral resources
  • pastoral operations
  • environmental research
  • other scientific activities.


Review of the Woomera Prohibited Area Coexistence Framework (PDF, 6.96 MB)