Haberfield Army Reserve Depot

The former Haberfield Army Reserve Depot is surplus to Defence requirements. The property will be divested in accordance with the Commonwealth Property Disposal Policy.

The property is 1.9 hectare located at 140A Hawthorne Parade in the suburb of Haberfield, Sydney.

Defence worked collaboratively with representatives of Inner West Council (Council)  to complete a 22 lot subdivision of the site, including 21 lots for future residential development. 

Four lots have been settled to private contract holders and one lot has been transferred to Council for community open space. The remaining 17 lots will now be put to auction on the open market. 

Defence’s appointed sales agent commenced an auction campaign on 11 February 2025, which will run for a 6 week period. The auction is scheduled to occur on the 27 March 2025.


Further information on the open market sale can be found on Haberfield 140A Hawthorne Parade page.

