Military disposals

Disposal of Australian Defence Force assets are governed by both Australian and foreign government legislation and policy. 

When disposing of surplus equipment, Defence is obliged to obtain the best outcome for the Commonwealth and must use the most economical means whenever practical. Additionally, Defence must meet any obligations with treaties, caveats and licences from foreign governments and original equipment manufacturers. 

Preservation of heritage

Defence considers the constraints, costs and heritage of all assets when deciding on disposal strategies. Where a heritage or historical significance is determined for an asset available for disposal, Defence may offer these for sale to heritage and community organisations. It is offered for display purposes to preserve military heritage via an open tender or request for-offer. 

Under the conditions of tender or request-for-offer, potential recipients must be established as an Australian historical organisation under relevant State or Commonwealth legislation. These are organisations such as museums or historical societies that are committed to preserving Australian military heritage and to providing public access to military historical displays and material collections.

Registering interest

Organisations may register their interest in the disposal of a Defence asset by completing the disposal registration form and returning via email.

Registration form (PDF, 82.01 KB)

The receipt of email will be acknowledged and interested organisations will be notified once the relevant equipment or platform becomes available.

Ex-Army vehicles

Interested parties should contact Australian Frontline Machinery directly to register their interest in the disposal of Army vehicles.


BP-25-03-035, Brindabella Park
PO Box 7938